Meeting Newborn Baby

Meeting Newborn Baby

You’re ready to introduce your newborn baby to family and friends, but first you need to set some boundaries to keep baby safe, healthy and happy.

  1. Ask family members and friends to please be honest about having any signs of illness. Anyone with signs of a cold/flu or any other illness should postpone their visit until they’re feeling better. Your little one is still developing and his or her immune system may not be strong enough to fight off illness and germs yet. So to keep your precious one safe and healthy be sure you’re not exposing them to any harmful environments.
  2. Make sure that who ever comes in contact with baby that they have both washed their hands and used some form of hand sanitizer.  Hey, better safe than sorry.
  3. No kissing allowed at any time. This rule must be enforced at all times. Not only that, no touching the face and mouth. In these times of Corona Virus we just can’t be too sure.
  4. Always wait for mom or dad to offer you baby. Just in case baby is eating or sleeping, always wait to be sure it is okay to hold the baby.
  5. Don’t take these rules personal, but by all means take them serious. And always respect mom and dad’s wishes. Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about keeping the baby safe and healthy.
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